William Onyango Okola
William is a strong leader in the organization and his passion comes from a childhood of meager existence. He received his first pair of shoes when he was 18 years old. However, through his relentless pursuit of education he received his PHD in 2017. He is a living example for these children of what is possible. He personally understands their life struggles. He encourages, gives hope, and guides them to a better life.
William was raised by single mother who struggled to put food on the table. At 13 years old he did old jobs to support and continue his education. Unlike many places in the world, education is Kenya is not free, in fact it is costly. After years of dedication and sacrifices, William received his Doctor of Philosophy at the Landmark Baptist Theological Seminary. He knows the transformation education can produce and has dedicated his life to leading orphans, children and families out of poverty and to a self-sustaining life, which is the reason he is a key member of Serve The Need.
In addition to a Doctor of Philosophy he has a Master of Theology from Landmark Baptist Theological Seminary. He received his Bachelor of Divinity from Christian Life Teachings in 2012 and his Advanced Associate in Biblical Studies from the International Pastoral Training Centre. In addition to leadership education, he has a certification from the Awana Seed Planters course in order to educate those in need with self-sustaining agricultural skills. He also has extension leadership training and experience in church planting.
William is overseeing the Living Rock Church in Kenya, which he planted in 2009. Your donations will allow William and his team to continue their work to supply those in need with the food, clothing, personal items, and education and guide them to a better life.