Project Successes

Need School Clothes
Need of school clothes for orphans and impoverished children attending Suwinga Primary School in Ugunja, Kenya. There are 900 children in need of uniforms. School uniforms are required for the children to attend public school. To stretch the funds as far as possible, four women volunteered to make the uniforms so all funds will be used to buy fabric.
Project Goal $3,200.00
Raised: $3,200.00
Need Soccer Balls
A modest need of six (6) soccer balls to provide the equipment for the children’s soccer program at Suwinga Primary School. This provides the opportunity for the children to play and interact through soccer.
Project Goal $300.00
Raised: $300.00

Need Girls Personal Items
There are 600 girls that lack the basic needs of underpants, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and feminine sanitary supplies. The goal of $1,800.00 will fund the initial request for the girls at Suwinga Primary School. However, there is a monthly on-going project need of $3,480 for the boys’ and girls’ monthly personal needs. This will go to Suwinga Primary School and Ngunya Primary School.
Project Goal $1,800.00
Raised: $1,800.00