Support Serve The Need’s urgent and critical requests. Contributing to this general fund project allows us to allocate resources as needed to unforeseen urgent requests such as abandoned children, critical medical care, or our minimal operational costs.
Hundreds of children at Suwinga Primary School and Ngunya primary school lack basic personal items such as underwear toothbrush, toothpaste, and soap. Also, over 600 girls lack feminine sanitary supplies. This is a monthly, on-going project to supply personal items. Approximately 40% of the children are orphaned and have no support or care besides the care provided by Serve the Need.
Sponsor one child for a year of school. There are over 400 children in need of K-12 education tuition support. Unlike many countries, public school is not free in Kenya. Between the school admittance fee of $500.00 and uniforms / books of approximately $100.00, the cost per child is $600.00 per year. The ability to go to school is an honor for these children. School will change their lives and their families. An education gives them the opportunity to learn to read, write, and later earn an income that will enable them to work to support themselves and their families.