Serve The Need

Our children are vulnerable orphans who have no support other than Serve the Need. We need your help to provide daily needs and move them towards a self-sustaining life.


About Us

Why Us?

The expertise, passion, and commitment of our leadership team has prevented countless orphans and families from suffering the hardships of obtaining the basic necessities for everyday life.  By  contributing, you can ensure our team has the means to succeed in its mission to help those in need.



Please choose a project you would like to be part of and provide to those in need..


We welcome volunteers able to teach self-sustaining skills to families, such as farming and trades. Individuals willing to tutor boys and girls who have fallen behind in school and need encouragement. Also, administration and marketing skills to support our efforts.

Blog Posts

Nam blandit mi in pharetra pulvinar

Nam blandit mi in pharetra pulvinar

Donec semper, metus sed suscipit feugiat, felis massa feugiat orci, nec aliquam justo erat quis velit. Cras quis suscipit orci, at euismod nibh. Integer efficitur…
Fusce nec accumsan sapien

Fusce nec accumsan sapien

Duis iaculis metus sapien, at hendrerit lorem ultricies ut. Etiam commodo quam vitae iaculis viverra. Ut quis arcu tristique, viverra velit vel, sodales tortor. Curabitur…
Donec fringilla erat vel sem

Donec fringilla erat vel sem

Fusce nec accumsan sapien. Suspendisse efficitur nunc magna. Morbi dolor ex, placerat non malesuada sit amet, mollis varius eros. Quisque malesuada metus vel mauris dictum…
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